Profile & Contact Details
ID Stuff:
Pondwater @ Tan JY
Male. 02 July 1986. Singapore.
Here's the avenue for feedback. Suggestions? A design request? Feel free to contact me via e-mail. Just don't spam or abuse. Simply replace [at] with @:
gleamwater [at]
Loves exploring interesting ideas and concepts.
Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.
Intending a career in the Game Industry.
Hit: Psytrance. Long weekends. Chocolate.
Miss: The arrogant. Washing dishes.
Favourite Game Quote:
"In this world, there exists a balance between those who are creators and those who are users. I knew that, of course, but it took your help for me to experience this firsthand. From now on, I vow to dedicate myself to the side of creation.
The labour involved becomes joy when I know there are those who will enjoy my work to the utmost."